I began making pottery in 1991 at the age of 17. I was fortunate to have a great high school instructor and access to an outstanding facility, which solidified my love for the art of ceramics. After graduating from the University of Colorado with a B.F.A. in Ceramics and a B.A. in Art History, I began
working part time as a production potter to hone my throwing skills while building my own body of work. 20 years later I’m still producing for the same potters as I continue to create my own lines of stoneware pottery. I now live in Longmont, CO with my wife, Mary Ellen and our three kids, Sammi, Oliver and Max.
All of my work begins on the potter’s wheel, but many shapes are cut and altered to create a variety of forms. Most of the glazes I use have a matte surface, which adds warmth to the piece. The imagery is created using stencils, masking tape and wax resist. Using these techniques I create designs inspired by an interest in geometry, nature and pattern.
Since starting my business in 1998, my work has gone through many stages. Starting out with a production mentality, the early pieces were more concerned with repetition and function. As I gained skill working with my materials, I had the tools necessary to begin to explore what it means to me to be a craftsperson and an artist. No longer am I as concerned with efficiency and speed, but rather considering each piece as one of a kind.